About Us

What is Nightline?
‘We’re here to listen, not lecture.’
Nightline is a confidential listening and information service run by students for students at the University of Exeter. We are affiliated with the national Nightline Association and Good Practice Guidelines accredited.
Available most nights during term time, we are trained volunteer students here to listen to anything you’d like to talk about.
Any Exeter student is welcome to use our service, whether you are an undergrad, postgrad, international student, or even currently studying abroad.
You can contact us about anything, whether you’re worried about your studies, having relationship problems, or just want someone to talk to on your way home at night. While for most students their time at university is a positive experience, it can be challenging too, and being able to talk things through to a fellow student in a safe and confidential space can make all the difference!

'To whoever left the blue World Mental Health Day rocks around campus, thanks. Found one at just the right time. Help begins tomorrow.'
- Exe Honestly
Our Principles
What callers discuss with Nightline volunteers will not be shared outside of Nightline.
Callers don’t have to give any identifying details about themselves
Nightline volunteers don’t judge, and support callers through whatever they’re going through.
Callers decide what they want to talk about and the Nightline volunteer gives them a safe space to do this.